Gymnastics for Quality of Life starting at Dynamic Gymnastics

Have you ever noticed how much a gymnastics gym looks like a giant, fun, therapy playroom?

At Dynamic Gymnastics we believe gymnastics is for everyone. By using the gymnastics environment as a tool, individuals of all abilities can become the best they can be.

For the individual with special needs, gymnastics can be so much more than learning cool things and having fun. The movements in gymnastics also promote better neurological functioning and cognitive development. It promotes improved motor planning, organization of behavior, sensory integration, and self-regulation.

Our activities are inspired by recreational therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and behavior therapy integrated into individualized, goal oriented gymnastics fun!

The emphasis is not so much on learning gymnastics skills but rather to use the stimulating environment to promote neurological and motor skill development, build physical strength and flexibility, and improve communication and functional skills. Of course, some gymnastics skills might be picked up along the way. The goal is to guide these individuals to develop skills that transfer over to other areas of their lives.

Dynamic Gymnastics is located in Arlington, Virginia.